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Vaultoro To Implement Dash

Blue Horizon Advisory In partnership with   INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY  JULY 2018  ‘VAULTORO TO IMPLEMENT DASH’                We vote YES! Vaultoro is primarily an exchange platform dedicated to trading between physical allocated gold and Bitcoin. It’s the first platform to offer this kind of trading pair. The company secures and store real allocated gold bars […]
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HuitPro - Dash Freelance Marketplace

Launching a new freelancing Platform based on Dash as a payment method. HUITPRO AMBITION: Introduce Dash into a constant growing market of labor activities covering more than 100 million of active workers. Increase the Dash visibility as a cryptocurrency with high versatility of payment method utility. Adoption campaign through practice use of Dash. Spread out the exposition range of Dash in a growing market of Internet workers. Expand Dash utility as a payment method to obtain professional services via Internet focus in projects. Expand Dash as a cryptocurrency that can be obtain as a principal source of income. Encourage the creation of more self-sustaining ecosystems that use Dash as Exchange principal method. Huge contribution on the improvement of the Freelancer economic development
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Venezuela, the First Dash-Nation

Dash Venezuela is an organization that promotes Dash in Venezuela and works on a national scale to expand the Dash community in the country The organization holds conferences in different cities to introduce Dash to Venezuelan citizens and promotes its daily usage for individuals Dash Venezuela organizes training sessions and accompanying measures to entrepreneurs and merchants willing to integrate Dash as a payment solution.
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Pay Musicians per stream

Feedbands is a crowdsourced record label whose members collectively determine which artists they should make vinyl release offers to. When they release an artist on vinyl, the artist gets paid and they keep all the rights to their music. Feedbands press the records and send them to their members all over the world.  Feedbands only ever release first pressings, meaning the records released on vinyl have never been on vinyl before.
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Youtube Channel and Dash Community in Brazil

After several months of a long approval process, Mr. AMBRISSI was nominated and approved to be a Moderator and a News Editor at This website is the largest Crypto-News website in Latin America, the website is in Portuguese and has 2-Million-page access per month. Starting February 1st, Mr. AMBRISSI is allowed to publish 1news/video per day on the website related to Dash Digital Cash.
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BitGo is a blockchain software company that secures digital currency for institutional investors. It offers a suite of tools for managing wallets of multiple coin types, including the world's five largest cryptocurrencies. This technology solves the most difficult security, compliance and custodial problems associated with blockchain-based currencies
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